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On Selfless Generosity: Mother Hears Heartbeat Of Her Infant Son From Beyond The Grave
1024 570 David Joannes

407SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Let’s start with Mother Teresa. Because she’s the quotable type. “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not…

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Take Note, Christians: Even Atheists Are Confused Why We’re Not Focused On Reaching The Unreached
1024 600 David Joannes

459SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I have an atheist friend who seems to me to be the perpetual advocate for unreached people groups that I wish all Christians actually were. We met on the…

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Why Your Church Should Support Fewer Missionaries
1024 682 David Joannes

404SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I recently read this article after a friend pointed it out to me. It is well written and balanced, evoking again the basis of how I believe cross-cultural missions is…

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Indigenous Or Foreign Missionaries: Who Is More Effective? [Video]
1024 682 David Joannes

253SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The engagement is growing during our Missions Blabs! People chatting, leaving thoughtful messages, asking pertinent questions, calling in to share their video screen with us and converse about missions…

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Stop Sending Missionaries: Why More Isn’t Always Better [Video]
1024 434 David Joannes

274SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List It was an incredibly engaging conversation during our live video missions broadcast on Blab. Check out the replay here. Steve Schirmer, president of Silk Road Catalyst, and I interviewed…

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Joshua Project: Highlighting The Unreached [Video]
David Joannes

208SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I asked Duane Frasier, researcher at Joshua Project, this question: “Do missions data, numbers and statistics really matter? How do they make a difference?” He did a great job…

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My Live Video Broadcasts With A Missions Focus 
David Joannes

264SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I am passionate about using technology to its utmost potential for the sake of the gospel. That’s one of the reasons I call myself a Missional Starter and Creative Artistic.…

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Where & What: The 2 Essential Missionary Questions
David Joannes

281SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List If we truly want to be part of “finishing the task” of the missionary venture, there are 2 essential questions that every missionary should be asking: “God, where are…

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The Most Epic Monster List Of Missionary Quotes On The Internet
1024 683 David Joannes

2.5kSHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Most of the time when I find an online list of quality missionary quotes, there’s not enough! I’m left longing for just a little more! Needless to say, I’m always…

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An Honest Look At My Own Tendency Toward Christian Professionalism And Celebrity
1024 577 David Joannes

325SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Sometimes I have a flash of lucidity, suddenly enlightened that my dreams are ever so hollow. Many of my plans and purposes are self perpetuating, self sustained, self absorbed.…

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Bid My Anxious Fears Subside (Thoughts On The Missionary Venture)
1024 682 David Joannes

296SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List One of my missionary friends to China recently penned his moving musings in a post on Facebook. It started out with these words:   When I tread the verge…

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God Shows Up At Yet Another Powerful Underground Training
1024 724 David Joannes

233SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Last month, our foreign and local missionaries joined together to pull off yet another incredible underground training at 26 Tribes outreach center. These discipleship trainings are a focal point…

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Christian Ministry: Creating A Culture Of Releasing People
1024 566 David Joannes

228SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List “This is a great article that may help ministries better understand why some people won’t stick around, and also as they let them go, it is actually a good…

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6,000 Gospel Booklets From Gospel Outreach Mission And World Missionary Press Given Away At Myanmar Acquire The Fire 
1024 576 David Joannes

404SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On July 21, 2015, Gospel Outreach Mission led by Martin Lalthangliana, provided nearly 6,000 booklets from World Missionary Press to be distributed at the first ever international Acquire the…

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170 Orphans And Underprivileged Children Experience God’s Glory
1024 576 David Joannes

253SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The orphans and underprivileged children at Orphan Home outreach center are so incredibly important to the heart of God. They have names. They have dreams. They are precious in…

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