Missions Pulse episode 37: Derry Gambill

How to destroy missionary attrition, striving for honesty in missions, and the good, bad, and ugly of short-term mission trips.

Missions Pulse 037: Derry Gambill

1024 576 David Joannes

On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Derry Gambill, the Vice President of Bethany Bible Training Institute at North Burma Christian Mission.

Derry walks you through his focus on intentionality in missions and explores ways to overcome missionary attrition. He shares about honesty on the mission field, the good, bad, and ugly of short-term mission trips, and much more.

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Keep sowing the seed because the seed knows what to do. Of course, there will be times that you wonder if what you’re doing is worth it. Does it really matter? Does it make a difference? It may take some time but growth is inevitable. So keep sowing the seed because the seed knows what to do.

Missionary life is tough. So what makes someone stay longer than the first term and break the statistics that say that most missionaries leave within the first two years? Derry Gambill says that intentionality is pivotal. From an early age, he set himself apart for missions. It was never just “the cool thing to do.” It was never just a thing he thought he’d jump into for a while. That led to many years of missionary service in Thailand.

Missionaries know that returning home to their country of origin is not a vacation. Furlough is filled with meetings and speaking engagements and can be exhausting. There are obvious benefits from reconnecting with supporters and friends, but when you’re a family on mission, you have a job to do in the country where you serve. People need to understand this reality but it can be difficult to communicate this truth. Missionary honesty is something that we all need to strive for so that the Church understands that the task is difficult but necessary.


Just need the audio version? Listen below. Or better yet, subscribe to Missions Pulse on YouTube, iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher.


Have you ever wondered what makes a missionary tick? What are the underlying motivations of those who cross cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries for the sake of Jesus Christ? What compels them to take such extreme measures and why do their actions still inspire Christians worldwide? In The Mind of a Missionary, David Joannes challenges you to find your role in God’s glorious Kingdom narrative. He draws upon history, psychology, life experience, and powerful storytelling to reshape your perception of God’s unique plan for your life. Purchase this book at Amazon today.


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