Missions Pulse episode 30: Dan Cornelius

Fighting sex slavery, confronting pedophiles in Thailand, rescuing at-risk children, the huge percentage of boys trafficked worldwide, the power of prayer and missions giving, persecution and interrogation, light and momentary troubles, and how crossing cultures ain’t that easy.

Missions Pulse 030: Dan Cornelius

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On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Dan Cornelius, 14 years a missionary in Thailand and co-founder of Baan Itsara home for at-risk children.

Dan shares about his remarkable experiences fighting sex slavery and abuse in Thailand. He has confronted pedophiles who tried to steal their children, rescued trafficked boys and girls, and tries to look at all the light and momentary afflictions through the light of eternity.

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You’re not gonna believe the crazy story Dan Cornelius tell of confronting a pedophile in Thailand. Watch now!

When you think about human trafficking and sexual abuse, you typically think about victimized girls. Dan Cornelius reminds you that boys are suffering in extreme ways as well.

Dan Cornelius says we’ve been saved from something but what have we been saved for? What is the purpose for which you were created? Just to sit on your butt and wait for your meal ticket out of here? There’s something bigger for you as you join God’s missions force through prayers and financial giving.

When you’re in the thick of a difficult situation, it usually doesn’t feel like Paul’s description of a “light and momentary trouble.” But in light of eternity, Dan Cornelius says, God is adding you to the bigger narrative.

When you live cross-culturally in a country not your own, you’ll be challenged daily. Your mindset will change over time and you’ll become accustomed to the nuances of culture, but get ready to live on the fringes for a long time.


Just need the audio version? Listen below. Or better yet, subscribe to Missions Pulse on YouTube, iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher.


Have you ever wondered what makes a missionary tick? What are the underlying motivations of those who cross cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries for the sake of Jesus Christ? What compels them to take such extreme measures and why do their actions still inspire Christians worldwide? In The Mind of a Missionary, David Joannes challenges you to find your role in God’s glorious Kingdom narrative. He draws upon history, psychology, life experience, and powerful storytelling to reshape your perception of God’s unique plan for your life. Purchase this book at Amazon today.


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