Missions Pulse episode 32: Jeannie Marie

Putting the face of a friend to the word “Muslim,” crossing the street and going around the world, preventing another 9/11, international student ministry, myopia in missions, eating at local ethnic restaurants, and how “normal” people can be used in missions.

Missions Pulse 032: Jeannie Marie

1024 576 David Joannes

On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Jeannie Marie, author of the highly-acclaimed book, Across the Street and Around the World. Jeannie Marie is passionate about helping Christians get out of their comfort zones and experience God on mission.

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The word “Muslim” can be scary for Christians just as the term “unreached” can seem too big and distant. Hear how David Joannes and Jeannie Marie put the faces of friends to these words to make sense of it all.

When we cross the street and go around the world, we experience transformation. The first step of getting out of our comfort zone ain’t easy, but the adventure is beckoning you now.

Jeannie Marie is a huge proponent of international student ministry in America. The people who are coming to America tend to be influencers who shift culture. Most of these students have never entered the home of an American. You might be able to prevent another 9/11 should you invite them into your home for a meal.

Jeannie Marie says that we need to offer Jesus in a way that people can receive by being culturally sensitive. Jesus is good news. How can you share Him in a way that reveals that goodness rather than condemnation?

If you want to understand the biggerness of John 3:16, you need to expand your horizon by hanging out with people who are different than you. Don’t be that myopic frog in the bottom of a well.” Allow the water of the Holy Spirit to lift you up and broaden your horizon.

Jeannie Marie teases you with one of the two tips to making friends with ethnic people in your city. Her book, Across the Street and Around the World outlines the rest. For now, go eat some pho or potstickers at the ethnic restaurants in your city!

Jeannie Marie’s first experience with a Muslim awoke her to the reality that every believer can impact the nations through relational evangelism. Is she the anomaly? This mother of four says no. She believes that every individual can play a part in God’s epic mandate.


Just need the audio version? Listen below. Or better yet, subscribe to Missions Pulse on YouTube, iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher.


Have you ever wondered what makes a missionary tick? What are the underlying motivations of those who cross cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries for the sake of Jesus Christ? What compels them to take such extreme measures and why do their actions still inspire Christians worldwide? In The Mind of a Missionary, David Joannes challenges you to find your role in God’s glorious Kingdom narrative. He draws upon history, psychology, life experience, and powerful storytelling to reshape your perception of God’s unique plan for your life. Purchase this book at Amazon today.


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