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These Beggars Are Bothersome
800 600 David Joannes

169SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The beggars have really been bothering me lately. They always put me in a public spectacle, testing my generosity and Christian concern. They make me think long and hard…

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My Other Me’s
David Joannes

64SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List In the alternate universes that I wish I believed in, life might be so different for my other me’s. The television show Fringe makes me thoughtful. I think about…

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Tragic Joy
683 1024 David Joannes

165SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Yesterday I saw a photo of my wife just after she had undergone surgery. She was leaning on my shoulder as I helped her walk back from the bathroom…

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I Am Not A Beggar, I Am An Advocate
1024 637 David Joannes

290SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List “Have we really started fundraising, or have we just sent a few emails?” That’s the question I’m considering right now, for myself and for our team at Within Reach…

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The Savior Who Smells Of Sawdust And Paint
800 534 David Joannes

203SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I am in the middle of a handful of DIY projects, woodworking for our new, small condo in Manila. I’m building bookshelves, stand-alone shelving, tables, cabinets and a bed.…

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The Humble Heart: A Surrendered Life
David Joannes

128SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List God never desired sacrifices. He never desired burnt offerings and holidays and feasts. All he ever wanted was a broken and contrite heart. All he ever wanted was obedience.…

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I Don’t Speak American Christianese
David Joannes

224SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Okay I admit it, I am confused. Maybe a little more than that. I am stupefied and astounded at the strange conversations of American churches and Christians. I read…

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Letters To Lorna From Liberia, Hour:93
David Joannes

175SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Excerpt from Letters To Lorna From Liberia by David Joannes Hour:93 “Go get yourself some coffee, babe,” Ray Joe tells me this morning at breakfast. That’s not the first time…

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The Memories I Made Up, The Beggar
900 675 David Joannes

206SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Excerpt from The Memories I Made Up by David Joannes The Beggar  I have to describe my memories with words, inadequate as I know they are. I’m sure you know…

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I Guess I Could Be Anywhere
800 534 David Joannes

225SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List As the early morning sunlight splinters through closed roller blinds, at the groggy cusp of awakening—eyelids blinking and squinting away the bright—I often awake, wondering where I am. A…

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The Hub Fundraiser
David Joannes

64SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List We need your help to raise $5,000 by March 31, 2012 for Within Reach Global’s growing ministry to unreached college students in China! Within Reach Global is in a…

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Five Year Old Li Yan’s Heart Surgery
David Joannes

150SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List It has always been our heart to reach out to the poor and forgotten, and five year old Wa girl Li Yan is a perfect example. In June, we…

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Help Make The Ako Ay Pilipino Kickstarter Successful
David Joannes

171SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The Ako Ay Pilipino Movement is inspiring thousands of people to realize their identity and fulfill their God-given destiny to make the Philippines a missionary-sending nation in Southeast Asia.…

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Ordaining Our Local Missionary As A Pastor
David Joannes

150SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Within Reach Global has been growing and expanding into unreached people groups and villages, and we are so amazed how God is using this ministry to help transform peoples’…

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Unreached People Groups In The 21st Century?
David Joannes

150SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Sometimes the phrase unreached people groups can be very abstract. Afterall, it’s the 21st century. How could there really be people who have never heard of Jesus before? As you’re driving…

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