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Missions History Today: August
David Joannes

207SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List As someone who is always seeking to live missionally in cross cultural contexts, it is exciting to see how where I am now on the mission field is in…

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Don’t Complicate the “Missionary Call”
David Joannes

329SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List This article was written by David Sitton, founder and president of To Every Tribe Ministries. David is a career church planting missionary who lived and worked in Papua New Guinea for 16 years, making…

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Death Of Pastor Samuel Lamb And His Impact On My Life
650 432 David Joannes

501SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List “More persecution, more growth!” Pastor Samuel Lamb grinned with delight, leaning toward us, as if he was letting us in on a well kept secret. “That is the history…

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The Quiet Space Between Pioneering
David Joannes

205SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List As a proudly self proclaimed cross cultural Missional Starter (there may be a few others out there who also consider me a pioneer), I am coming to grips with…

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Missions History Today: July
David Joannes

153SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every time I read about what happened today in missions history, it excites me to see the bigger picture, the overall narrative of what God has been doing to…

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VIDEO / PHOTO Recap For Car Fundraiser
David Joannes

222SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Only 7 more days to go to hit our goal of $10,000! Join our Facebook fundraiser event here. We have moved to Thailand! Now we need a vehicle to…

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A Thread Of Consistency
David Joannes

179SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Transitions are difficult. That’s putting it lightly. Transitions can be a total pain. My wife and I feel like we’re finally nearing the terminus of a two year transition—from…

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Happy Father’s Day From Lorna
David Joannes

224SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Blog by Lorna Joannes   On this special day, I would like to honor three special people in my life, three fathers who helped me to become who I…

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I’m Green Again
David Joannes

192SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Returning to square one is a humbling experience. After over 13 years as a missional starter in China, I speak fluent Chinese and I know the ins and outs…

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Missions History Today: June
David Joannes

196SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every time I read about what happened today in missions history, it excites me to see the bigger picture, the overall narrative of what God has been doing to…

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Why Evangelism Can’t Be Our Focus
David Joannes

229SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Any time you work and minister in a closed or restricted access nation, you have to be creative in your approach to ministry. That is, how can you go…

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The Bridge For 100,000 Students
David Joannes

292SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The Bridge is our newest underground outreach center in the center of 8 universities and 100,000 students. We just opened The Bridge this month, our sixth underground outreach center.…

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Missions History Today: May
David Joannes

213SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every time I read about what happened today in missions history, it excites me to see the bigger picture, the overall narrative of what God has been doing to…

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What Happened At Our Christian Camp Outreach
David Joannes

230SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List “I am an overcomer!” was the exclamation of 100 Chinese students who attended our 2 day 2013 Chinese Christian Camp at Within Reach Global. The camp consisted of students…

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The Great Imbalance Of Global Missions
700 461 David Joannes

495SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The great imbalance of missions is the fact that most missionaries go to or are sent to reached areas of the earth—regions where the Church already exists and the…

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Missions Ain’t That Mysterious
David Joannes

197SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I have recently come to understand that many Christians do not get involved in long term missions because of the mystery surrounding what missionaries do. Or perhaps what missions…

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Sponsor Chinese Student For Christian Camp
800 534 David Joannes

128SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every May, we host our annual Within Reach Global English Camp for the college students and young professionals that have been attending our weekly English Corners throughout the year.…

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When A Witch Doctor Dies
1024 768 David Joannes

164SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List When a witch doctor dies, the unexpected occurs.   No chopping off of chicken heads and sprinkling blood in animistic ritual. No dangling dog teeth over corpses. No dark wizardry.…

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Missions History Today: April
David Joannes

138SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every time I read about what happened today in missions history, it excites me to see the bigger picture, the overall narrative of what God has been doing to…

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A Missionary Who Steals From The Rich To Give To The Poor
1024 575 David Joannes

352SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List by Todd Fisher My friend Dave is a modern day Robin Hood. As I sat down to write this last October, he was enduring a lonely 15 hour flight…

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Unreached Is Not Unevangelized Is Not Unengaged
1024 681 David Joannes

291SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I, like Justin Long, often hear people alluding to thoughts like, “There are unreached people groups right here in Phoenix / Dallas / New York / [enter city here].…

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My Trip To The Abortion Clinic
David Joannes

128SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Blog by JP, Within Reach Global staff I have a friend whose mom works as one of the only doctors in what is basically an abortion clinic in a…

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Reaching Unengaged People Groups Through Urban Mission
800 600 David Joannes

284SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List I have spent some serious time on rural Chinese mountain tops, hours conversing with former headhunting tribes, ethnic minorities and unreached people groups. Real life people kind of ministry,…

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Missions History Today: March
David Joannes

180SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Every time I read about what happened today in missions history, it excites me to see the bigger picture, the overall narrative of what God has been doing to…

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Missions Impacting Families
800 534 David Joannes

133SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The thought of impacting families is an integral facet of missions, but sadly so often overlooked. Admittedly, in the past even by Within Reach Global. For years we trekked…

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Help Me Overcome My Unbelief
1024 640 David Joannes

187SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List One year ago today, at just about this hour—miracle of miracles—after nine years of marriage, many of which were riddled with missionary sickness and medical procedures and infertility and…

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Ako Ay Pilipino Noon at Ngayon Coffee Table Book
800 800 David Joannes

228SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List See the Ako Ay Pilipino, Noon at Ngayon coffee table book online. David & Lorna Joannes, leading the Ako Ay Pilipino team to create the coffee table book. Ako…

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More Persecution, More Growth
800 450 David Joannes

157SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List “More persecution, more growth. That is the history of the Church.”  Pastor Samuel Lamb, a Chinese Christian who was imprisoned for his faith for 21 years, grins with a…

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