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Missions Pulse 47: Yonas Demeke
1024 576 David Joannes

508SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Yonas Demeke, founder and chairman of Ethiopian Youth Mission Movement (EYMM), a radical movement of love and compassion for the…

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Missions Pulse 46: Sonnie Gitonga
1024 576 David Joannes

221SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Sonnie Gitonga, the author of Can Scars Become Stars?, founder of Scars to Stars, transformation speaker, trainer and life coach…

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Missions Pulse 45: Efraim Tendero
1024 576 David Joannes

229SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Bishop Efraim Tendero, the Secretary-General and CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) with over 650 million members. He has…

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Missions Pulse 044: Krish Kandiah
1024 576 David Joannes

203SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Krish Kandiah, founder of Home for Good, TEDx speaker, consultant, author, foster carer and adopter. Krish talks about the unnecessary…

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Missions Pulse 043: Jenni Sue Jessen
1024 576 David Joannes

358SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Jenni Sue Jessen, author of The Lucky One and the founder of Compass 31 which exists to make Jesus known…

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Missions Pulse 042: Bevin Ginder
1024 576 David Joannes

436SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Bevin Ginder, founder of Globalcast Resources, mentoring missions advocates for Great Commission efforts. Bevin talks about the powerful role of…

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Missions Pulse 041: Dwight Martin
1024 576 David Joannes

247SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Dwight Martin, founder of eStar Foundation and the gatekeeper for the FJCCA movement in Thailand where in the last 2…

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Missions Pulse 040: Kristi Hambrice
1024 576 David Joannes

335SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Kristi Hambrice, founder Bliss Clean and Care Company, a business as mission company in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and its corresponding…

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Missions Pulse 039: Jimmy Shaw
1024 576 David Joannes

237SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Jimmy Shaw, founder of Project Doxa, an organization committed to pioneering Gospel partnerships and equipping ministers and missionaries in strategic…

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Missions Pulse 038: David Eubank
1024 576 David Joannes

467SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews David Eubank, founder of Free Burma Rangers (FBR), a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to bring help, hope, and love…

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Missions Pulse 037: Derry Gambill
1024 576 David Joannes

292SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Derry Gambill, the Vice President of Bethany Bible Training Institute at North Burma Christian Mission. Derry walks you through his…

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Missions Pulse 036: Micah Wood
1024 576 David Joannes

247SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Micah Wood, Chiang Mai City Coordinator at YWAM Thailand. Micah shares some unique thoughts on the lack of single men…

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Missions Pulse 035: Todd Powers
1024 576 David Joannes

171SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Todd Powers, co-founder of Empower International. Empower International’s mission is to empower next-generation Christian leaders to succeed in their mission…

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Five-Star Book Review of ReMission by Gary Comer
1024 576 David Joannes

399SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List ReMission: Rethinking How Church Leaders Create Movement by Gary Comer on Amazon. Date read: 08.31.2019. How strongly I recommend it: 10/10. Check out these 5-star book reviews of ReMission…

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Missions Pulse 034: Chris Harrison
1024 576 David Joannes

235SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Chris Harrison, president of Agape International which plants Bible schools and churches across Southeast Asia. Chris talks about the incredible…

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Missions Pulse 033: Greg Livingstone
1024 640 David Joannes

255SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Greg Livingstone, founder of Frontiers, a mission agency that began nearly four decades ago. Frontiers seeks to inspire transformational movements…

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Missions Pulse 032: Jeannie Marie
1024 576 David Joannes

229SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Jeannie Marie, author of the highly-acclaimed book, Across the Street and Around the World. Jeannie Marie is passionate about helping…

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Missions Pulse 031: Ben Fa’alafi Jones
1024 576 David Joannes

290SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Ben Fa’alafi Jones, a long-term missionary who has experienced incredible breakthrough among Buddhists in Thailand. Ben utilizes a unique method…

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Missions Pulse 030: Dan Cornelius
1024 576 David Joannes

247SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Dan Cornelius, 14 years a missionary in Thailand and co-founder of Baan Itsara home for at-risk children. Dan shares about…

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Missions Pulse, Episode 029
1024 576 David Joannes

86SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews a good friend: managing director at ActsCo Printing, founder of ActsCo BookHouse, and lifetime missionary. He describes his childhood growing…

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Missions Pulse 028: Kanita Benson
1024 576 David Joannes

270SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Kanita Benson, founder of She Saves a Nation, Christian recording artist, global prayer mobilization strategist at American Bible Society, missions…

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Missions Pulse, Episode 27: David Joannes on MP 2.0
1024 538 David Joannes

193SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes talks about the exciting new direction of Missions Pulse podcast. Since the beginning of 2019, guests have joined the show remotely.…

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Missions Pulse 026: Solomon Lujan
1024 684 David Joannes

107SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List In America, we struggle with Bible engagement. Meanwhile, millions are waiting for a single line of Scripture in their mother tongue. There are 677 languages with a complete Bible.…

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Missions Pulse, 025: Lindy-Ann Hopley
1024 576 David Joannes

107SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List All of life comes down to an understanding of who we are and Whose we are. There are so many people waiting for a certain thing before they step…

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Missions Pulse 24: Ann Dunagan
1024 576 David Joannes

107SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Missions is not just for missionaries. God’s call is for all. It’s for men and women, boys and girls. It’s for families. And who better to tackle the family…

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Missions Pulse 23: Andrew Cannon
1024 576 David Joannes

107SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List The truth is the truth. It is abrasive. It goes against the grain. But if we unwittingly let the environment change the truth, the truth will set no one…

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Missions Pulse 22: Matthew Ellison
1024 576 David Joannes

187SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List It’s easy to become dismayed at the state of the Church’s missions interest. In many ways, we have taken the final command of Jesus—the Great Commission—and marginalized it by…

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Missions Pulse 21: Jonathan and Elizabeth Trotter
1024 576 David Joannes

150SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Did God create us to thrive on mission with Him? Why do we so often feel like we’re barely surviving in our missional callings? More specifically, how can missionaries…

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Missions Pulse 20: Dan Scribner
1024 576 David Joannes

211SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List God has made a beautiful mosaic of over 17,000 people groups each with the ability to glorify Him in a unique way. The problem: worship does not arise from…

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Missions Pulse 19: J. D. Payne
1024 576 David Joannes

198SHARESShareTweetJoin Our List Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the Gospel. Planting churches…

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