We’ve heard it said, “If the road is easy, you’re likely going the wrong way.”
If that’s the case, we must be doing something right!
Our missionaries at Within Reach Global have been passionately reaching out to people who have still never heard of Jesus before. We call these them the unreached and unengaged people groups of the 21st century. We have been sharing the gospel to them in villages, college campuses, street corners and communities who are still ignorant about a Savior named Jesus.
But Satan has taken note, and has tried his very best to come against our team with a fury of pain and suffering.
This last month was particularly poignant.
Tragedy: 5 month pregnant Sister Deng had a near death experience with Tuberculosis, high fever, vomiting and other health issues. Our whole team served her, and after finally being admitted to a hospital (4 hospitals would not admit her initially), she received the medical attention and medicine she needed. Her life was spared, and we are praying that her baby is not affected by all the medications she had to take. Please continue to pray for her road to recovery.
- Victory: The body of Christ around the world and in China united together in prayer and finances to save these precious lives. Deep prayer and intercession emerged. Unity was sensed. Health was restored. We are praying that this would serve as a testimony to the unreached Yao tribe that our missionary family are reaching at Pilot center.
- Tragedy: At the same time, 2 of our missionary families at The Hub and The Bridge were heavily hit with the flu. After a week of rest, their health was restored.
- Victory: They were able to rest from strenuous ministry responsibilities, and many of the church members that they themselves have raised up are serving God in a deeper way.
Tragedy: 1 week later, the 2 year old daughter of our local missionary family in our new outreach center in Myanmar broke her arm. She is still in a cast now, and we are praying that the doctor set her bones correctly. The only medical care they have in Burma is far from desirable.
- Victory: A hushed reverence has come over our missionary family as they have seen first hand how principalities and evil forces are against them reaching out to unreached regions and communities. But they have not stopped their forward progression of bringing the message of salvation to those who need it most.
- Tragedy: 1 of our American missionaries has been dealing with stomach issues from the food in China. Her health has been severely affected, and she requires medical attention. She has not been able to operate at 100% as she serves unreached Chinese college students at The Hub and The Bridge outreach centers.
- Victory: She has a trip planned to return to America for a short medical stint. But in the meantime, she has continued discipling young Chinese men and women who are on the edge of eternity, ready to make decisions to follow Jesus. Even in the midst of struggle, hope arises.
- Tragedy: David and Lorna, founders of Within Reach Global, continue to battle to residual effects of stage 4 endometriosis that Lorna underwent before their miracle baby finally arrived. Please pray for the Joannes family as they lead the Within Reach Global team of pioneer missionaries in Southeast Asia.
- Victory: Lorna was able to start There Is Yet Hope, a website that encourages women with health and medical issues through blogs on faith, health and relationships.
We continue to move forward.
We have not thrown in the towel.
Out of the ashes, strength arises within our hearts.
We still press on to bring the gospel where it is not yet known.
“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Tragedy transforms to joy. We are taking it all in stride, thanking God that we are counted worthy to suffer with him. And we know that many more salvations will come through this ministry as we press on to bring the gospel where it has never been heard before.