David Platt Transitions From Pastor To President Of The International Mission Board

David Joannes

The quiet conversations in Christian communities in regards to unreached people groups is, across the board in general, extremely rare. That’s why I’m so thrilled that David Platt, author of Radical and a popular voice for the cause of reaching the unreached world, has transitioned from pastor to president of the International Mission Board (IMB), the largest missions sending agency of its kind.

“Reaching the unreached is a reality that I talk about a lot and am heavily engaged in,” says Platt.

David Platt is what I would consider a fresh new face and quality advocate for reaching unreached peoples. I am also excited that his focus is on helping bring the local church up to speed on what it means to reach the unreached.

“The local church is the means that God is going to use for the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. I believe that. And as president of the IMB, all I want to do is mobilize local churches to run after global mission.”  

Have you read the book Radical? Has it impacted your life? How do you think this new transition helps reach the unreached world with the gospel?


See original post at radical.net