China bans all internet searches for ‘big yellow duck’ as part of Tiananmen Square anniversary clampdown after prankster substitutes ducks for tanks in viral image.
Why China is banning ‘big yellow ducks’ on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square (2013 news)
His name is still unknown, but to many Westerners, the single pedestrian who stopped a line of tanks near Tiananmen Square remains the iconic image of the protest that shook the world 25 years ago. In China, “Tank Man” is a nobody from a non-event.
Chinese dare recall Tiananmen Square massacre
It takes a very significant date for the word “today” to be deemed too sensitive to mention. But [25] years after the Chinese government’s bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square, “today” is part of a long list of search terms that have been censored on Sina Weibo, the country’s most popular microblog.
Tiananmen Square online searches censored by Chinese authorities
The Chinese government has successfully re-written this recent chapter of the nation’s history, casting the peaceful protesters who stood for democracy as counter-revolutionaries and lionizing the courageous soldiers who risked their lives to control a riot.
How China has rewritten the history of Tiananmen Square
The 25th anniversary of the bloody government crackdown on protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square will not be marked publically in China, but the event is being remembered elsewhere, both for its extensive loss of life and the potential for political reforms that time represented.
Tiananmen Discontent Still Persists
A bit long, but a very interesting video recounting the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
“The authorities use terror to shut people’s mouths, but they are not God, and can’t make everything disappear.”
Chinese dare recall Tiananmen Square massacre
“I think we need another June 4,” said Hu, who has called for people to mark the anniversary by going to the square and wearing black. “I don’t mean we need another incident full of blood. I mean we need millions of people to go to the streets to demand change.”
Collective amnesia prevails in China 25 years after Tiananmen Square
“All power belongs to the people. Not yet.”
The lessons of history
China remains an authoritarian, one-party state whose leaders see domestic activists and international human rights laws as threats to their sovereignty.
The hard-line China of Tiananmen Square, on a global scale
Twenty-five years after the Tiananmen crackdown of June 4, 1989 the Communist Party continues to conceal the truth about the deaths of hundreds of victims including Wu Guofeng, a 20-year-old student who was among the first to die
Shot and stabbed as he tried to document the Tiananmen Massacre: the ‘unfortunate’ death of Wu Guofeng
“Just the fact that people would be shot at by the army – that seems like something that we would have read in novels or history books, but [would] never happen to us,” she says. “That was quite shocking.”
Tiananmen Square: Author Yiyun Li’s story
Old school archive coverage of Tiananmen Square Massacre

Chinese people gather around a replica of the Statue of Liberty on Tiananmen Square demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing on on June 2, 1989.(Photo: Catherine Henriette, AFP/Getty Images)

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) tanks guard the strategic Chang’an Avenue leading to Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 6, 1989.(Photo: Manuel Ceneta, AFP/Getty Images)

A soldier stands guard in front of People’s Liberation Army tanks at Tiananmen Square on on June 9, 1989(Photo: Ctherine Henriette, AFP/Getty Images)

A protester covered in blood holds a Chinese soldier’s helmet following violent clashes with military forces during the 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. (Shunsuke Akatsuka/Reuters)

Chinese student hunger strikers lie down en masse in Tiananmen Square in May 1989. For a number of protesters, 1989 remains unfinished business. Catherine Henriette / AFP/Getty Images

Thousands of students marched for reform in Beijing before the government massacre in Tiananmen Square in June 1989. (Sadayuki Mikami / Associated Press)

The wreckage of the Tiananmen Square Massacre