Missions Pulse episode 40: Kristi Hambrice

Intentionally missional living regardless of geographical location, empowering women in Thailand, living for the big narrative, not the small one, the broadening scope of missions, and how God uses ordinary people to extend His Kingdom

Missions Pulse 040: Kristi Hambrice

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On this episode of Missions Pulse, David Joannes interviews Kristi Hambrice, founder Bliss Clean and Care Company, a business as mission company in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and its corresponding foundation, Bliss Mae Baan Network.

Kristi talks about how to live intentionally on mission at whatever geographical location you’re at. She talks about her company and how it is empowering women in Thailand. She reveals what Thai women are facing today and explores how God can use ordinary people to extend His Kingdom on the earth.

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Kristi Hambrice’s business, Bliss Clean and Care Company, is providing jobs for women in Thailand. But why are these job opportunities so transformational? Kristi helps paint a picture of what Thai women are facing today. There are numerous dangerous and demoralizing ways for young women to make money, but she wants to help provide a better future for the women on Thailand.

Kristi Hambrice says there’s such a great pleasure of knowing God and doing what you’re supposed to do. She doesn’t want to live for a sub-narrative (the things that she does) but rather the overarching theme: knowing God and making Him known.

Kristi Hambrice talks about language as the key to unlocking culture. She deals with the nuances of cross-cultural living. But in the end, she believes that you can live on mission wherever you are. There are some definite differences in her life because of where she lives. But when Christians live intentionally wherever they are, they can create Kingdom impact. Every citizen in God’s Kingdom is significant.

Kristi Hambrice says that her simple steps of obedience led her to start a business as mission in Thailand. You don’t have to be someone else. Just be who you are. You don’t have to give up your personality and inclinations to serve God on the mission field. Instead, use your skills and giftings to glorify God wherever you are. The scope of missions is broadening. Think outside the box and use the gifts that God has given you and take joy along the journey. This mindset de-platforms and demystifies the “out there” mindset that so many Christians have about the mission of God.


Just need the audio version? Listen below. Or better yet, subscribe to Missions Pulse on YouTube, iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher.


Have you ever wondered what makes a missionary tick? What are the underlying motivations of those who cross cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries for the sake of Jesus Christ? What compels them to take such extreme measures and why do their actions still inspire Christians worldwide? In The Mind of a Missionary, David Joannes challenges you to find your role in God’s glorious Kingdom narrative. He draws upon history, psychology, life experience, and powerful storytelling to reshape your perception of God’s unique plan for your life. Purchase this book at Amazon today.


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