Unreached People Groups: The Reason I’m Happy/Sad/Angry

800 457 David Joannes

It continues to be

my greatest passion
my constant struggle
my reason for battle.

It’s my reason for joy
the cause of my hope
the root of my frustration.

It’s why I stay awake late at night, making Skype calls from Asia, across the ocean, trying to beat timezones, to talk to friends and acquaintances.

It’s why I sleep so little.
It’s why I don’t really want to get up in the morning.

It’s why I’m happy.
It’s why I’m sad.
It’s why I’m angry.

It’s the explanation of my many sacrifices as I leave my wife and baby to drive across state lines, tens of thousands of miles along American interstates, to get to

small groups
coffee meetings

and share some of the reasons why “You should really consider joining our Within Reach Global Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team!”

I’m driven because of it.
I’m sold on the idea of it.
I’m also overwhelmed at the thought of it all.

I question if it’s worth it.
It think it’s worth it.

Unreached people groups.
More than 6,000 of them.
More precisely, more than 2 billion of them.

It’s my vision, my mission, my life’s greatest juxtaposition.


Join the Within Reach Global Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team Here:



Photo credit Human Emotions Thinkstock and wow-art-paintings.com