The Shifting Seasons Of The Missionary Venture #Blab

David Joannes

I had a great time talking to friend and missionary, Robert Reid, about “The Shifting Seasons Of The Missionary Venture” during a live video broadcast on Blab. It has really seemed to resonate with people. Transitioning from the mission field back home—or the other way around, for that matter—is no easy task. Robert and I talk about a number of ways to deal with the sense of feeling foreign, disconnected and out of place. 

“It’s like we’ve gone to Mars and just returned! People have watched a movie about Mars at one time, and they’re trying to relate. But it’s impossible to describe what Mars is truly like for someone who’s never been. So there exists a difficulty for missionaries to relate their experiences and for people back home to connect on a deeper level.” – Robert Reid

Sorry for the momentary technical difficulties. We cut out for about one minute, but you can simply scroll ahead and catch the rest of the conversation.

“How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.” ― Elizabeth Lesser

Make sure you check out my other live video broadcasts on Blab and Periscope. Follow me and subscribe to the upcoming scheduled conversations.

I pray this blesses you, and inspires you to pray for missionaries who are reaching the least reached peoples in the missionary venture.