Prayer Is The Mighty Engine That Is To Move The Missionary Work

David Joannes

This thought is based on a powerful statement by A.B. Simpson:

“Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.”

Prayer is the fuel that moves the train of the missions endeavor.

There’s no need for a change of geographical coordinate or magical airplane ride to an exotic land required. You don’t have to be a missionary, you just have to be linked to the heart of God! Time spent on your knees creates powerful shifts in the world of the divine. It is the linking of our hearts with the heart of God for the souls of men.

I recently had a conversation with Clyde Hodson, founder of He shared insightful thoughts and practical steps to enhancing your prayer time. One of my favorite tips was finding the rhythm of your day, and scheduling your time of prayer within the normal flow of your life. I plan on taking his advice, not beating myself up for missing the moment of the sunrise finding me on my knees. You guessed it, I’m more of a night owl than a morning person!




“When I consider the notion of ‘the flow of prayer’, what I’ve found is we have a lot of bad habits when it comes to prayer. We’ve been taught some things about prayer that are defeating to us. One of those things is waking up early in the morning to pray. I’ve spoken to many pastors and ministers, helping them detox from all the guilt and shame they have about their prayerlessness. There’s only one time in the gospels that Jesus woke up early to pray. All the other times Jesus prayed were at night. For those of us who are morning people, morning works fine. But for the night owls, their best times might be from 11:PM until 1:AM. What I suggest to Christian leaders is to find the flow of your day, your week, your month, your year. Pray then! Like E.M. Bounds says, ‘Give your best hours of your day to prayer.’” – Clyde Hodson

Much more than we know has been done by unknown grannies on their knees in prayer and stay at home mothers; by college students and Christian businessmen. Prayer is an aspect of God’s heart for missions that every Christian can enjoin, regardless of geographical location and demographic.

“I believe it will only be known on the Last Day how much has been accomplished in missionary work by the prayers of earnest believers at home… I do earnestly covet a volume of prayer for my… work—but oh! for a volume of faith too. Will you give this?” – James Fraser, 1886-1938, Missionary to China

On that note. make sure you go see The War Room, available for order now.

I pray that you would see your prayer times enhanced as you understand the flow of your day.