Life With God Versus Life Without God: A Chinese College Student Perspective

1024 758 David Joannes

At Within Reach Global, we host weekly English Corners. English Corners are an awesome platform for Chinese college students to gather, practice their foreign language skills, and build new relationships.

We call it our “big net”. It’s a place where we cast our nets into the massive student population of Southwest China, searching for students who are hungry for spiritual things.

And we’ve caught a bunch of fish!

Every week, we see over 100 college students attend our English Corner outreach. But we have a strategic plan. From our “big net” we find students who show a sincere interest in learning more about God. These students are ushered into our discipleship process.

That’s what we call our “small net”. It’s a focused gathering of Chinese college students who are getting saved, being discipled, and introduced into our house church setting.

We’re seeing many hearts open to the Christian Gospel!

Check out photos on Facebook from our college outreach!

Just last week, we asked them to write down a bunch of reasons why should or should not become Christians. Their answers were intriguing, giving us a glimpse into the heart of China’s shifting cultural values.

Life With God Versus Life Without God A Chinese College Student perspective 001

Some of the pros of following God were:

  • Peaceful
  • Stronger
  • Younger
  • Miracle experience
  • Learn to forgive

Here’s some of the cons for following God:

  • Less friends
  • No parties
  • Guilt/conviction
  • Mysterious

The pros of life without God included “safety from cults”, “easier to find a job” and “normal life”. The cons of life without God included “uncertainty”, “emptiness”, and “boring life”.

Pretty incredible glimpses into the thought process of Chinese college students, right?

Honestly, they are facing similar struggles as college students worldwide. They’re not as different as you might think. For more on the issues that Chinese [Christians] are dealing with, check out the recent Missions Blab with guest Brent Fulton, president of China Source, entitled: China’s Urban Christians: A Light That Cannot Be Hidden.


Will you commit to pray with us for the Chinese college students at The Hub and The Bridge? We need your prayers and support. Join us in this holy endeavor to bring the Gospel message to hungry hearts.


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