I Used To Come Back To America For Me

1024 590 David Joannes

I used to come back to America to raise money for myself. Now I am here growing our missionary family budget for 3—my wife, my daughter and I.

I used to travel around America, speaking at small groups, telling them what I was doing in china. Now I tell them how our foreign missionary team are reaching hundreds of people with the gospel.

I used to speak to churches in America, challenging them to give toward missions and for my living expenses in Asia. Now I stand before thousands of people, encouraging them that their financial giving helps our underground chinese missionaries reach thousands of people in unreached communities who have never heard the gospel before.

When I used to come to America for only me, I was blessed to survive as a missionary in China. Now I am thrilled to be able to help support many foreign and chinese missionaries with a passion to bring the gospel to places it has still never gone.

I used to have $1,000 per month to my name—just enough to pay for visas, Mandarin studies, housing and cheap street food (which usually ended up giving me “Mao’s Revenge”). Now the generosity of churches and individuals across the great country of America have resulted in thousand of Dollars to reach thousands of Chinese college students and unreached peoples in Southeast Asia.

I used to come to America for me. But today I am so honoured to be a conduit of blessing for many other missionaries at Within Reach Global.

I am back in America right now, raising money and challenging people to donate to help us reach “the least of these.” Would you pray about helping me to be a voice for the voiceless? Would you consider giving a donation today to bring the message of Jesus to someone who has never heard before? Would you rise up to the challenge of sowing financially every month into Within Reach Global as me and my team help speed the return of Jesus by going to the ends of the earth with the love of God?

Then you can say, “I used to live in America for me, but now I am part of God’s bigger picture to be a blessing to the nations who have yet to hear of his great grace.”

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