I Don’t Want To Be A Comfort-Seeking, Entertainment-Addicted, Security-Craving, Approval-Desiring Christian

1024 541 David Joannes

Christians are experiencing unusual days in the United States of America. The opposition and even persecution we’re beginning to face is not unusual at all in the history of Christianity, but it feels very strange and oppressive after more than three hundred years of acceptance and even dominance in this nation.

In this seven-minute clip, Pastor John speaks directly to the hearts of Christians who feel increasingly unwelcome and alien in the America we know today. Stop expecting everything to go well. Stop trying to fit in here. Instead, fuel your life with the invincible and eternal hope of knowing Jesus Christ forever.

“We have come to take all the relatively minor benefits of following Jesus and elevated them above the massive, real pleasures of knowing him, loving him, and dying and being with him forever. Everything’s out of proportion in typical American Christianity.”

Meanwhile in Southeast Asia (and many more areas throughout the 10/40 Window)

Great persecution has been happening for years. What Christians are experiencing on a daily basis is unfathomable to us.

Read more on persecution that we have faced at Within Reach Global here:

Boldness Beyond Persecution

More Persecution, More Growth

Chinese Christians Bravely Tell Government: Stop Illegal Anti-Church Campaign

“In most of American history, until recently, being a Christian has been viewed as normal, good, patriotic, culturally acceptable, even beneficial. And we very much appreciate being thought well of for this. By and large, in America, the call to be a Christian has not been the call to be an alien, or a sojourner, or an exile, or to be out of step.”

John Piper goes on to say: “I don’t want to be a comfort-seeking, entertainment-addicted, security-craving, approval-desiring Christian.” 


What about you? Tired of this cycle? Why not join the Within Reach Global Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team to reach people who have never even heard of Jesus before!