#BlackandBlue vs WhiteandGold plus #UnreachedPeoples

1024 519 David Joannes

The internets have been in a frenzy as Twitter got into a pretty lively argument Thursday about whether the color of a particular dress was black and blue or white and gold. How do people see things so differently? AsapScience explains #whatcoloristhisdress.

So what team are you on?

Team #BlackandBlue?
Team #WhiteandGold?

Statements like the ones below got me thinking about how this relates to the unreached world:

“Our brain looks at the context, then compensates and interprets the colors.”

“It comes down to individual perception and how and where you view the object.”

“This is a perfect example of how our brain interprets the world around us without us even knowing it.”

Here’s the truth: from a factual standpoint, the dress is blue.

And so you see, in a similar way, when we talk about unreached people groups, whole blocs of the Christian world have differing reactions as well.

There are 2 billion people in the world who have never heard the gospel of Jesus before, but in our daily context—North American or western countries, for example—we barely recognize their lostness. Truth be told, we don’t even notice the reality of unreached people groups and individuals.


Our perception can be skewed. It’s obviously not a bad thing to be busy with Christian ministry and evangelistic efforts in our own context—our church, our city, our country, our culture. But it pains me to see the constant stream of Christianity broadcasted to “reached” peoples, when there are so many that have never heard the gospel once.

“No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.” – Oswald J. Smith

Here’s the truth: from a factual standpoint, unreached people groups are still waiting for the gospel to get to them.

So what do you think of unreached peoples? Have you ever considered that there are people living today who have never heard of Jesus? Does that matter to you?

You may be batting for team #BlackandBlue or team #WhiteandGold. For me, it’s fun and entertaining, but largely unsubstantial.

I’m on team #UnreachedPeoples, and I am passionate about shifting the status of their lostness.

Here’s a novel idea for you to help reach unreached people groups with us:

Join the Within Reach Global Monthly Prayer and Financial Support Team by holding the ropes and lowering us into the goldmine of souls that have never heard the gospel before!

Watch this.

Regardless of your perception of unreached people groups, we want to invite you to make your finances #countforzero. You can donate to Within Reach Global here.


Inspired by the hashtag #whatcoloristhisdress.